Studio AVT amongst Top 4 Finalists at the prestigious Surface Design Awards 2020 London Ankita Sweety declared Golden Trophy Winner at WADe Asia Awards 2019 for excellence in “Healthcare Category” Studio AVT wins the Aces of Space Design Awards 2019 in “Architecture Facade Category” Ankita Sweety declared Golden Trophy Winner at WADe Asia Awards 2019 for excellence in “Healthcare Category” Studio AVT’s recent work “सौंधा घरौंदा” has been featured amongst the top 10 houses across the world by popular choice at “houzz” App Studio AVT wins the Health Facility Design Award in the category of “Innovative Design” during Global Health Zenith Confluence'19 held at Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi

Studio AVT through its design has always reciprocated with the context & local materials to develop a space resonating with today's time which speaks for timelessness to cater for the innovative & comfortable experiences by the user while interacting with the built environment.

The Hues Blues

If you have any question please do not hesitate to drop us an email.

Waj Ji Wah

If you have any question please do not hesitate to drop us an email.

Moulsari Hotel

A contemporary design with organic volumetric play of abstract shapes as the 1st skin of the Facade & asymmetrical MS installation as the 2nd. Detailed Sun-path analysis led to this innovative outcome.